
Please read Asymptotic Analysis Basics first. If you don't, none of this will make any sense!

Amortization means spreading out.

This is especially good for functions where most actions have a low cost, but a few have a high cost. We'll see an example of this further down the page!

A Case Study: Resizing Arrays

As you probably know, normal Java arrays don't resize. If we create a new int[5] then that array will always have a length of 5.

But what if we wanted to make an array resize itself every time it reaches capacity? (Like a List!) Let's see what happens when we add one to the array size:

First, we have to make a new array with a new size:

Then, we have to copy over all of the old elements over:

Finally, we can add in the new element!

Let's analyze the runtime of this operation.

What if we doubled the size instead of adding one?

    • We do this every time the array hits a power of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32 ...).

    • We do this every time we add a new element, so in all we add n elements. Therefore, this is an

Intuitively, this looks like this:

Mathematically, it looks like this:

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